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Field Resistance - History of Women's Football

Team Credits

Prohibited 80 years ago, women's soccer is still struggling to make up for lost time. Proof of that? The Women's World Cup was almost upon us but nobody was talking about it. 


Media.Monks can't change the players' past.

But we definitely can help them be seen today.

Resistência em Campo - an exhibition that invites our Monks to delve into the history of women's football and encourage them to give more visibility to women on the fields this year and beyond.

Developed by Sabrina Andrade, Stefany Gomes

and Leonardo Fernandes.

Art by Vitória Morais, Ibne Martins, Rafael Martins
and Tieri Wince.


from br.monks to global.monks

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Our experience was at the auditorium on the 1st floor, considering its layout and re-signifying existing elements.

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