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Visual ID for .Monks

Rocket.Monks is an internship program, created by brazilians for brazilians.

It was established at the Media.Monks office in São Paulo, Brazil, by the HR team in collaboration with the agency's creatives.

This program provides affirmative opportunities for the black community.

So, if you're an earthling who is currently in their first to second-to-last year of college, you can become a part of our crew.

"Starting a career is like launching a rocket: we begin from the bottom, but with the right tools, we can go wherever we want.It takes a lot of study, energy, dedication to take off into space, or better yet, into the job market. But none of this is possible without a starting point: an opportunity.

That's why Media.Monks is opening its doors to interns who want to make big leaps in their careers.


With innovation as fuel and diversity as the driving force, our Internship Program will embrace differences and give the chances that vulnerable groups need to transform their realities and reach the stratosphere.


On this learning journey, each Rocket.Monk will have mentorship to develop, collaboration

to feel a part, and autonomy to be the protagonist of their story.


Without further ado, launch authorized!


Attention, crew: our mission is about to begin.

Rocket.Monks, you may board."

The entire project was carried out together with the RH team of Monks.

Hope you liked it! :)

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